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by (4,311 points)
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Does anybody know some good places to hunt at Kilmaresh? Tell us hunting grounds explaning about Profit/Xp if possible.
by (46 points)
Maybe too early to ppl answer this question. Let's see what comes!

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (49 points)
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I've tested some spawns on an 880 ED and so far the only 3 places that makes me curious is 

Sphinx, Lamassu and Crypt Warden spawn west of the city, 3 floors I have some wild growth spots that you could try out. They do hit quiet hard maybe some holy protection on a lower level knight could help him out.

1st floor: https://gyazo.com/aa7251187933d546aa2e51b8a85b7ea2

2nd floor: https://gyazo.com/ca0215ef6ff9c428cba5a69486bc5383

3rd floor: https://gyazo.com/273c2f8d76b13e49418f2fb213eeb043 and https://gyazo.com/029a73309b47daab5be038e9f2f1c49a

Haven't tried this rotation to much but the loot is not the best in this spawn unless you sell the feather over NPC price 

North side Mountain spawn in middle of Kilmaresh with Fafnar Creatures is probably the most promising spawn for mages because there is basically just a circles you are going to run around (counter clockwise) avalanching everything down I could find some wild growth spots but they were not optimal as you could not wave properly. This spawn is good but its to small for my ED because I overkill everything if I just run around, but incorporating the dangerous Goanna hole you might be able to skip the top floor which would give better exp/h. 

I got my waste back from the hunt but I was only clicking bodies that i ran past while continuing to hunt. So looting everything will for sure get you profit.

Levitation spot between the mountain and Goanna hole https://gyazo.com/461294b13dff1460b7bffc38cbb5faca

This place is very new so I haven't tested everything and I'm seeing new stuff every hunt but from what I've tested these 2 spawns has the most potential but I'm looking forward to get proven otherwise.

Other islands is to big with few monsters making it hard to get big pulls, as well as range creatures ruining the fun, the ogre cave in the mountain is not good from what I tested to big of a cave and not enough monsters making only 2 pulls decent while rest of the spawn is diluted with empty squares of nothingness. Catacombs under ogres might be good but for now its just to narrow making the pulls annoying, same problem with the sewers to narrow, these places might work great as a Paladin but as a Druid I don't feel it

by (49 points)
Having full fire imbuement in mountain and holy imbuement when hunting Sphinx will help you and then they wont be to much harder than Falcons

Tho im not sure if imbuing holy protection for hunting the spawn is worth it because of the low profit.
Full protection 500+ mage should be able to go relatively hardcore at these spots
by (4,311 points)
Do you think Ek+Rp+MS around 500 could hunt there ok?
by (49 points)
Probably, until you run out of spawn, try it out push your limit how else will you know