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How to kill the 4 bosses in one run? Every time can be done? Can be done only by starting in one specific city? What is the the way to accomplish the 4 bosses?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,426 points)

First of all, it's important to know that you can only do the usual 4 bosses rotation if the vortex is currently located in Zao or Svargrond. If the vortex is on Darama, you'll only be able to kill 3 bosses. The reason will be clearer below. 

Let's assume the Vortex is on Zao or Svargrond. You start by going through the usual path you would for the quest, as if it was your first time there. Then, kill the corresponding boss and you'll be send to the Vortex Hub. Now the complicated part beings:

  1. First, you'll enter either of the "inner" bosses (Eradicator and Outburst) vortex, but instead of pulling the lever, you'll leave through the red vortex. This will send you to the Anomaly boss area (the Darama boss). 
  2. Now complete the Anomaly puzzle and then kill Anomaly. 
  3. You're back at the Vortex Hub. Chose either Eradicator or Outburst and kill it. 
  4. Finally, back at the hub one more time, kill the other boss you haven't killed yet (Eradicator/Outburst). 

It may be clearer now why it's different when you start from Darama. The reason is this: regardless of where you are (vortex hub, lever of Eradicator, lever of Outburst), if you leave using the Red Vortex you'll be send to the Anomally puzzle area. This is why you'll always kill Anomaly during a "GT run", because you can go there even if the entrance isn't on Darama.

If it's on Darama, however, you won't have this possibility, so you'll start with Anomaly and then kill Outburst and Eradicator. You can also take a shortcut and instead of walking to the full path, going to the Vortex Hub directly, by following this quick route:

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Route%3AOtherworld

This way, you don't have to walk the full path since you can take the shortcut to the Hub and then get to the puzzle using the red vortex inside Eradicator's or Outburst's lever rooms. If you're afrad of getting lost in there, I suggest you check out this TibiaWiki page where you'll find instructions on all the common paths you'll take during a GT run:

