+1 vote
ago by (479 points)
I entered the Test Server and tried searching for a new type of Soil on the cyclopedia, but there is none. I went to the NPC that starts the quest and he reacts as if the Monk have already completed the quest, even after searching the questlog and don't finding it completed and not even started. Will Cipsoft implement it? Since it's a quest for all 4 vocations and even Desert Quest got a new place for the Monk, why they didn't updated the Elemental Spheres quest?

1 Answer

+2 votes
ago by (1,973 points)
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Initially, the Monks would actually be unable to do the quest, Lionet even talked about this on the test server board:

 It is a quest we already took into consideration very early in development. However, as mentioned above, an organic and natural approach is needed to make adjustments of these quests feel in-place and to fit into the lore. For the new vocation, we explicitly tried to only make fitting changes and additions that include the monks rather than impose the new vocation over something. Reworking this quests will need to factor in a lot of variables. Besides the balancing topic, there is also a complex and interconnected lore, map and reward-system that needs to be adhered to. So we opted to rather not change a quest, than change it in a way that is neither satisfying for the players nor unfitting to current Tibia lore.

But due to player feedback, it seems they've gone back on their word and decided to find a way to allow Monks to complete the quest:

Indeed, which is why a specific solution for the Elemental Spheres is already in the works. However, as I mentioned yesterday, any adjustments to expand such quests have to be designed in an organic and fitting manner, requiring the apropriate amount of time and thought to put into. Rest assured, however, that there will be a way to complete this quest it with the monk, including the complete quest, bestiary, boss and also the rewards.




ago by (479 points)
Thanks for the answer! I've imagined that it would be hard to adjust this quest to the Monk, since they need to create a whole new area for it's elemental choice. They need to create a new soil, a new area with 2 new mobs and a new boss related to the element. Also create a new armor specific to the Monks since all vocations get one in the rewards.
ago by (783 points)
Unfortunately due to Lord of the Elements being an arch foe boss, CIP would have to figure a way out to permit Monks into the boss. Otherwise they would have to develop a boss strictly for the Monk vocation to balance fairness in bosstiary. I can see how there would be a lot of complaints.