+4 votes
by (1,949 points)

During the test of the fifth vocation, a new secret achievement called "Smart Thinking" was discovered:

A user on Reddit posted the following screenshot:

Apparently, this is the secret achievement released many years ago (ID 195) that had yet to be discovered.

In addition, Hunter of Dragoes (TibiaWiki staff member) also confirmed the existence of the achievement, and even created a character with the name of the achievement years ago:

The achievement description is very vague, but in case anyone finds out anything, I'd like to know how to obtain this achievement.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/1iz5qgi/new_secret_achievement_or_just_a_cipsoft_troll/

moved ago by

So I would just like to clarify that Hunter of Dragoes does NOT know how to obtain the achievement. He has simply found it in an endpoint on the Tibia website that allows you to get information about achievements.

You see, the Tibia client has a list of all achievements you have discovered in the Cyclopedia. This list is hosted on the Tibia website. By analyzing the game client you can find where this endpoint is. It includes all achievements. The only thing the game client does, is to filter those you have obtained.

Reverse engineer the game client by looking at data packets and where it sends the request. This can be done using Wireshark while opening the Achievements list in Cyclopedia. Get the endpoint URL and it will return a JSON object containing all the achievements (name, points, description).

Do not, under any circumstances, send money to anyone who pretends like they have found out how to get the achievement. Unless they display it on their character profile. Until then, it remains an unsolved mystery.
by (1,949 points)
Yes, if he had obtained the achievement, he would have displayed it on his character page, just like he did with other achievements he helped discover. I've never considered paying anyone anything, but thanks for the heads up.
by (5,801 points)
edited by
So apparently, we already know all the names of the secret achievements obtained *at least* by someone in Tibia? I did not know that getting this info would be that straightforward.  Interesting! I do not recall anyone discussing about this achievement before, not even during the height of Tibia Mysteries.

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