Contrary to what many players think, mages are great for making profits, and based on your set and mlvl, you will have several good options to go. Here are some of them for you to test it out:
• Two-headed Turtles. Easy to hunt, normally empty. RawExp ~2.4KK/ hour with 750K~900K profit/ hour. Will get better numbers with charms.
• Diremaws ( inside the warzone with suspicious). A little tricky to hunt, normally empty. RawExp ~2KK/ hour with 700K~1KK profit/hour depending on how much the suspicious is worth on your server. Will get better numbers with charms
• Werelions. Hard to hunt, def imbues needed, normally taken. RawExp 2.5KK / hour with 600K~900K profit/hour. Will get better numbers with charms
• Iksupan. Hard to hunt, def imbue needed, maybe even a defensive prey, normally empty. RawExp 3.3KK / hour with 900K~1.1KK profit/hour. Will get better numbers with charms.
• Carnivoras; Easy to hunt, normally taken. RawExp 1.8KK / hour with 500K~700K profit/hour. The easiest hunt on the list.
Hope this list helps you!