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by (7,047 points)
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I want to know places (Top 3 or soo) to profit in duo Elite Knight 647 + Elder Druid 450 with average profit and exp per hour.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (39 points)
Hello, Trululu, hope you're fine.

   As the knight is higher level than the ED  you'll have plenty of options to try, but, the best profit place will probably be Girtablilu. The last time I hunted there, ( 540 EK + 520 ED ) we made 3KK RawExp and 1.2KK profit each in 1 hour. The profit and exp will get higher when you get used to the spawn and unlock charms on the creatures. Overall it's a pretty chill spot, you should give it a try.

   Other places you can try are ( based on my own numbers as a 500+ EK and ED duo):
 • Elite Undead Gladiators and Skeletons in darashia. 2.7KK RawExp and 1.0KK profit / hour ( no charms )
 • Bulltaurs. 3.8KK RawExp and 900K profit / hour ( no charms and hard at lower levels )
 • Ingol Surface 2.7KK RawExp and 900K profit / hour ( no charms and hard at lower levels )
 • True asuras 3.1KK RawExp and 1KK profit / hour ( no charms)

   Hope this helps you and your duo, have a nice week!
by (7,047 points)
Thans for your comment, when u say 1.2kk each, its mean 2.4kk in total for 1 horu?
by (39 points)
Np! Yes, 2.4kk total