+2 votes
by (21 points)
We all know the majority of the content in the big updates in Tibia is focused in premium areas and/or premium features, but is there something new in the winter update that free account players can also enjoy this time? Is there any really good change for them too?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,954 points)
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Charm Overhaul: The revamp and extension of the old charm system also affects free account players

Stash Expansion: They can also store items in unused condition in their stash, just like premium players

Cyclopedia: They can use the Magic Archive to view information about spells and runes. They can also benefit from the improvements made to Combat Stats.

Exaltation Forge: They can use it to tier up their boots.

Quest Log/Quest Tracker: They can also take advantage of all the improvements.

I haven't played as a free account in decades, so I can't say whether these changes will have a big impact on their lives. But I do believe they are positive changes, especially the stash expansion.
