+1 vote

I and my friend decided to come back to Tibia after like 4~ years of being full inactive. We wanna start new chars EK and ED and I wanna ask u where we can get fastest exp from lvl 20 to let's say 200~. Full rush. I know there are low possibilities on lvl 20 but I'm really curious and personally have no idea what to do to make it as fast as possible.

Fastest exps, waste doesn't matter

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (23 points)
I will say cyclops at lvl 20 to 30 the change to kazz spike and reach 60 then you can go mother of scarabs nightmare sion on yalahar or wyrms

At lvl 80 vampire crypt edron

90 yielothax

100 old fortress, grimvale or lizard city

120 lizard chosen, hive

140 lower roshamuul

160 roshamuul shockheads

190+ rosha valley, vats and battlefield rosha upper, rosha prison

200+ poi seals

240+ nightmare isles