+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

The client improved the quest tracker and now it feels better to navigate through quests.

However, I feel that I can't spot right away which quests can be repeated. Is there any way to spot practically quests/task/missions that can be done multiple times? I can only see a mark on completed ones.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (41 points)
The Winter Update 2024 Quest Tracker is definitely a step up, but yeah, it's frustrating that repeatable quests aren't marked clearly.

Right now, the best workaround is to check out the TibiaWiki page on Repeatable Tasks (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Repeatable_Tasks). It's super detailed and lists all the quests you can do multiple times. Keep an eye on cooldown patterns, some repeatables reset daily or weekly, so that's another way to spot them.

Hopefully, this workaround helps for now.