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by (21 points)
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Hi guys, recently, I bought a summerblade, and I need more options to hunt with this great weapon!

Currently, I use this sword in winter court and carnivors -1 and -2... carnivors solo and winter courts with druid... and I need more ideas to make more hunts!

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

Plague seals (Ferumbras quest).
Defilers , plaguesmith , son of verminor... in the Inquisition quest.

Also in Spectres is good since they are weak to fire.

You can check on this link all monsters that are weak to fire so you can get an idea of where you can use your summerblade in a more useful way.


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by (4,311 points)
In addition to Zupakode answer I'd add two places:

-Banuta it's a good option. (not sure if is better than gnome, u should test it)

-Oramond sewers (places with Glooth Golem, Glooth Anemone e Defiler)
0 votes
by (16 points)
One of my favorite places to use it is -2 in Carnivoras' Rocks, since spiky ones are 20% weak to fire and drop very good loot, you'll be able to afford a winterblade too.
0 votes
by (16 points)
Lower Levels: Grimvale, Deep Banuta, Grims

Higher Levels: Burster Spectres, Oramond Raid (South), Carnivors, Winter Court, & Secret Library (Ice Section).

Hope this helps!

-Chimerian Librarian