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by (16 points)
view edits | bumped ago by
I'm hunting in Carnisylvan with the top weapons borrowed from my high-level friend. He recommended going with the Soulshredder, and I'm making good profit there. However, I want to improve my hunt's performance. Do you think using the Eldritch Claymore or the Sanguine Blade + Soulbastion would enhance my performance? Just a reminder, I'm aiming for profit, not XP.

I had this doubt because they are weaker against the fire element.

lv 650 for info.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (131 points)
Since Claymore and Sanguine Blade have only two imbuement slots they are less effective even when monsters are more vulnerable on fire. Difference in received damage from ice and fire is only 10% on each monster, so in my opion losing one imbuement slot is not worth. Soulshredder is powerful weapon and fully imbued is paying back - big crits = big mana and hp leech = less potions = more profit. My answer is from POV of 600 ek swordfighter as it is my main character.
by (16 points)
Thank you very much!