0 votes
by (1,205 points)
Certain attacks from players can heal the boss. For example, death damage, will heal Earl Osam. If a boss is healed by an attack, what color does the HP show as? Is the HP color the same for all elemental attacks?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (127 points)
It's either red as normal healing numbers or yellow-ish gold as in absorbed damage
+1 vote
by (1,212 points)

When you heal a boss with an attack (spell or rune) the color of the healing Is white, for example SD to Sir Nictros.

If you heal a boss with a UH, IH, or exura gran mas res, the color is that clasic red/orange colour you see when you heal yourself or a friends. For example Leiden with mas res. 

Only few bosses can be healed by players, the most commons are Leiden from Cults of Tibia and the white ball in Lord Azaram from Grave Danger in Carlin.
