+1 vote
by (5,801 points)

Many things changed for Free Accounts recently and I want to know where it is possible to hunt demons as a Free Account (if he is courageous enough to try, of course smiley). How do I reach these task creatures? Some pictures would be nice!

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (594 points)
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Since Yalahar was announced as the next city for FACC, it has become possible for these players to kill Demons.

One place is this spot  located in the Magician Quarter on the Cults side.

The second site, deep underground at Alchemist Quarter . You can also meet there Plaguesmiths, Destroyers and Nightmares so I recommend caution.

I hope that my answer will be useful to you.

by (5,801 points)
That was great. I appreciate the information :)
by (594 points)
Thank you. Sorry I was unable to post screenshots. Never been to this areas myself yet but I may edit the answer in the future.