+2 votes
by (324 points)
I've searched for this question on TibiaQA and found other info that doesn't answer my question.

I play mainly a EK, and I'm the type of charlover who wants to do the quest on my own.

Why? Because I want to take my screenshots of the bosses, take screenshots of the achievements and etc, also to feel the difficulty of the quest. I also don't like paying for a service since it has 2 risks:
1) They mess up my backpacks and depot. Some of my friends who did the quest with service already told me that the person who did the job service was careless about their items, bought expensive SSAs and Might Rings on the market, bought expensive cupcakes and foods and etc.

2) I don't trust anyone and don't want to risk someone trying to steal stuff from my house, trying to steal my Tibia Coins and all my account.

Nowadays people are doing Rotten Blood already with 2 essences and there are some who can do the Soul War quest using level 300 characters. I'm not on their level to attempt this quest on a such low level, that's why I will wait until I have maybe level 1000 and try to do it on my own.

My question is:

Is it possible to do the quest on a level 1000 EK using less SSA's and MR's than is required from lower levels? On Tibiawiki they say you can't do the quest without SSA and MR otherwise you can't survive.

I'm aware that I will eventually need to use SSA and MR, but are they needed 100% of the time even at higher levels? If I forget to equip a SSA and a Might Ring, do I have the chance to die instantly?

I'm trying to understand all of this because I not only want to do the quest, but also do the full Archfoes bosstiaries from Goshnar and also try to get the latest achievement that is needed to defeat the bosses with 5 taints.

I would like to have some answers based on experiences from level 1000+ EKs who do the bosses daily or people who tried the quest on their own at this level range.

by (1,394 points)
the problem with your question is that has so many variables, for example would be good to incluce your team, if you are going with a level 500 and 700 ed then yes it would be highgly recommended always using SSA and Might right, but as mention this depends on the hability of your druid to heal you full HP in one turn it depend on how they play if they are used to do gran sio when is needed, if they only know pressing one botton expecting you do everything, they will also need amulets and might ring as well, if you wanna save that much on might ring and ssa my best advice is to hunt in cobras and bultaurus until you have enough of them, background done the quest twice, and done the mini bosses several times (more than 60 each), help a lot of times service teams on my server
by (324 points)
I'm not worried about using SSA and Might Rings, I've saved a lot of them and can also buy and hunt creatures that drop them. My question is if I wait until I'm level 1000 as EK to do the quest, I can make mistakes or lose some turns without SSA and Might Rings and not worry too much about dying since I will have the double level required for the quest, I will eventually use SSA and Might Rings, but people who do the quest at level 500 swap Amulets and Rings like crazy, some even use macros to do it. I'm still not good at watching the screen and checking fast if the equipment wears off (SSA and MR), so my only worry is if I forget to use the Ring and Amulet on some turns, I will die fast even as a level 1000 EK or I can survive until I can finally equip another SSA and MR.
by (1,560 points)
Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ad1bsv3VFY. Its video made by one of polish tibia streamer who is charlover like you and wanted to do quest by yourself, its in polish but most of video is in english cuz team was multinational. Video is quite long but contain all full fight with bosses without much edit and final boss, and what is most important is from EK perspective and with close to 1k lvl (937) maybe it will not be answer on all of your questions, but at least you will see what to expect and i agree with Nixcomander many depends how good will be your team. My advice is to try do each boss few times (5-10) with your team without any taint to practice mechanic etc. I hope that video will be helpful even if u will not understand what exacly they saying you will see what he doing.
by (324 points)
It will certainly help, I've always wanted to see an EK doing the quest, because there are more shooters content than EK doing these quests. It's hard to see Soul War/Primal Ordeal/Rotten Blood as an EK perspective. Thanks for the video.

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