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by (1,208 points)
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I've heard that Mata rindo team were deleted by Cipsoft because of abuse. Is this true?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)

In short anwer, all the Guild was deleted by Cipsoft (Mostly by Craban) in December 11 of 2013 for ''Bot Supporting''

The user Ryocrits have a good knowledge about what happend on that days (She was part of Mata Rindo):

Back in the days (2013) the firestarter was the guild Brothers of Peace (BOP) in old Ocera. First of all, you couldn't even create a character in that server without being hunted by them, second of all they would just not let neutrals play Ocera at all, after a certain level, you either had to join them and pay guildbank or just get hunted. By that time there was a huge bot wave in Tibia, Battleye protection wasn't implemented yet, so whoever had the bigger team would completely control a server, BOP were known for being major botters and also known for performing DDoS attacks to servers in order to win wars and also as a protest for their late deletion. That being said, a lot of people started complaining about the attitude from BOP (rumours said they also were the creators of one of the biggest and most famous bots back then) both on forums and via email. So CipSoft decided to delete the ENTIRE guild with no exceptions around November that year, BOP members did what they do better, they illegally bought a lot of accounts, got a lot of new characters and transferred them to Ocera and took over the server back again, redoing the guild, there were no players to opose them so it was really easy for them. After that, they did an infamous post on the Auditorium I believe, I can't remember if it was there or in one of the propposal forums, and claimed they owned Ocera, they started bragging Cipsoft couldn't take the server away from them, and that Ocera bellonged to them. Several guild leaders and members of other brazilian and latino allied guilds signed these threads mocking CipSoft for not being able to control their population or their servers and impose to cheaters and illegal players, after that, a couple of weeks later, actually. Exactly on December 11 2013 the following list of guilds were completely wiped out of Tibia with no chances for any of their players to come back:

.Guild "Insomniacs" (server Danera) 

- Guild "Deathcursed" (server Danubia) 

- Guild "Brothers of Peace" (server Ocera) 

- Guild "Last Choice" (server Eternia)

- Guild "Resistence Allies" (server Xantera) 

- Guild "Mata Rindo" (server Mythera) 

- Guild "Mata Rindoo" (server Pythera) 

- Guild "Mataa Rindo" (server Elysia) 

- Guild "Mata Rindo Aliance" (server Shanera) 

- Guild "Mata Rindo Hard" (server Calvera) 

- Guild "Mata Rindu" (server Iridia)

Like I said, Cipsoft didn't undelete anyone from these guilds and the reason for the deletions was "Bot supporting" a lot of innocent people were deleted, people who didn't know what was going on, innactive players with characters in these guilds, people who never used bot. And giving the amount of players, the targeted guilds and the punishment imposed, this is in my opinion the biggest punishment to a guild in the history of the game. After this the game changed for a lot of people, as Cip started merging servers and creating new ones to make the population flow amongst servers and avoid another situation like this.

by (2,191 points)
My canonic event :(