+1 vote
by (4,316 points)
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Hello dears Tibians!

I'm working on some guides (quests, hunts, etc) and often I have to take screeshots to add to the guide, in general the method I use is following: "Press Print Screen, paste it at paint and save".

This method seems to me pretty bad, so I'd like to know is there is a way or software that allow to me to press print screen and it save automatically without interference at the game?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,316 points)

I've found a way to save it directly to onedrive to who use windows 10 as following:

1. Click with the right button at the OneDrive icon.


2.Click settings

print screen

3.At the open window select the option auto save


4.Select the option "Automatically save screenshots I capture to oneDrive"

print screen

After you click "OK" all screenshots that you take will be saved at automatically at OneDrive.

https://canaltech.com.br/windows/aprenda-a-salvar-print-screen-sem-a-ajuda-do-paint-no-windows-10/ (It's in Portuguese)

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

Tibia does have the option to save your screenshot automatically. Source Tibia FAQ: How to take screenshots-

To take screenshots, you can bind this function in the Options menu to a selected Hotkey. Make sure you show advanced options -> Controls -> General Hotkeys -> type to search for a hotkey type in "screenshot" -> Edit what you want your screenshot option to be for example mine is "Pause"

However, Tibia is offering a great way to take screenshots of important events of your Tibia adventure automatically. Go to the Options menu and make sure that you have checked the box for "Show Advanced Options". Under "Misc" you will find the article "Screenshots" which is offering various options which you can choose based on your preference.

  • Only Capture Game Window: Here you can select whether you like to take screenshots only from the game window or from the complete client interface.  
  • Keep Backlog: If you have chosen to keep the backlog, you will not only find the picture of the taken screenshot in your Screenshot Folder, but also the pictures of the previous 5 seconds. This will happen no matter if the screenshot is taken manually or automatically.
  • Enable Auto Screenshots: Here you can select if screenshots should be taken automatically. Below you have the option to choose events at which a screenshot should be taken automatically.
If you need to know where your screenshots are click "open screenshot folder". Please make sure you press "Ok" to save your preference :)
by (1,534 points)
i need to ask something, but first i want to clarify, sometimes after i have a considerable ammount of time with tibia open im unable to take ss normally (pressing print screen key) when i try my game screen becomes entirely black on the print, so i want to know, does this feature prevent me from that?
by (17,406 points)
Your asking if you can use print screen as a hotkey instead of pause like mine? Or if you can use both at the same time? I'm sorry I don't understand
by (1,534 points)
i was looking for a way to take screenshot in game after those 10 minutes happend and yeah ur answer really solve my question, thank you
0 votes
by (228 points)
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Best answer
In Windows 10 you can achieve this goal automatically by pressing Win key + PrtScreen button.