+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
Unfortunately using client's tool to make screenshots manually or "auto-screenshots" cause in in 30% crash of my client (and as far as I know it is not only mine problem), so my question is - if there is any external program that still works with client and we can use it to make some screenshots?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (246 points)
Not directly, What I have done when I want to take a snip is started joining a discord voice chat, 'going live' to stream my game, pop it out, maximize it behind the client, and then when I use a tool like 'Snipping Tool' it looks like im selecting the client where its really just the live in discord. Its an annoying work around, hopefully it doesn't crash your system though considering the ingame screenshots seem too.
by (1,355 points)
Good idea, im just curious how the quality turns out? I know that it doesn't let you stream with 1080p unless you have discord nitro.
But you can do the same with OBS, then you don't even need to go live, you can just preview the tibia game like you said above and screenshot that way, with as good quality as you want :)
+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

I use "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" in-game overlay which is associated with my graphics card. I go to general -> In-game overlay settings (make sure it's on) -> Keyboard shortcuts -> Capture (put whatever you want your hotkey to be for screenshots) A little hint though, please make sure when you click open/close in-game overlay your hotkey for this isn't something you'll accidentally click when hunting because you can die as it stops your character as a screen pops up.
