+1 vote
by (137 points)
How does Animus Mastery affect total experience gain, considering stamina bonus, experience prey bonus, XP boosts, and bonuses due to experience events?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (137 points)
Best answer

The formula is:

base_exp × stamina × animus × (base + event + prey + boost)

The important things to know are:

  • base exp, stamina bonus, and Animus Mastery are multiplicative
  • prey, boost, and bonuses due to exp events are additive and go inside the brackets

Here are some examples, assuming a creature yielding 1000 base experience points.

On green stamina, boost, and exp prey with 2% Animus Mastery bonus when there’s no exp event:

1000 * 1.50  * 1.02   * (1.00 + 0.00  + 0.40  + 0.50) = 2907

exp    green   animus    base   event   prey    boost

On green stamina, boost, and exp prey with 2% Animus Mastery bonus when there’s a +50% exp event:

1000 * 1.50  * 1.02   * (1.00 + 0.50  + 0.40  + 0.50) = 3672

exp    green   animus    base   event  prey   boost

On green stamina, boost, and exp prey with 2% Animus Mastery bonus when there’s a Double Exp event:

1000 * 1.50  * 1.02   * (1.00 + 1.00  + 0.40  + 0.50) = 4437

exp    green   animus    base   event   prey    boost

by (159 points)
Great answer. However, in your last example, doesn’t it have to show the number “2” somewhere?
by (137 points)
It does, in the "1.02".
by (159 points)
Strange… in your example right before the last one, there’s also the “1.02” and there is no double exp event
by (137 points)
The labels below each formula make it clear what each part refers to. The 1.02 (or +2%) refers to animus mastery. The + 1.00 is what represents a Double Exp event.