+1 vote
by (1,358 points)
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During the test server of Summer Update 2024, my team faced the boss Rootkraken a few times, with some difficulty. At times, some died due to all the chaos that was happening in the boss room. We had a lot of difficulty dealing with the plants that spawn in the room. We tried to lure them to the other side, but some of them always ended up returning to our screen. And these plants are responsible for increasing our stacks, and consequently the damage we receive.

I would like to know what is the best/safest strategy to kill the boss The Rootkraken.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,099 points)

After doing the mechanic to destroy the Powergenerator with a Gold Coin, the strategy we've been using is: 

One person has to lure away Doctor Marrow to the north-west of the room, then run as fast as you can to the south, so Doctor won't follow you and he will stay right there (north-west).

The rest of the team stay south-east with Rootkraken, just next to the Seed Spot so you will be able to use seeds to kill the plants. Best seeds you can take are Preserved Dark Seed  and Preserved Yellow Seed. 
