+2 votes
by (28 points)
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I would like to know if they could spawn close to server save.

I remember that 2 years ago, in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvf_dvIY8CU, 6:48, ferumbras started the raid near to the server save.
by (1,525 points)
You mean Nemesis bosses?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (306 points)
Yes, it is indeed possible for them to spawn close to the server save. Around 15 days ago my world received Gaz'Haragoth raid with less than 1 hour from server save. All raids are random, they can occur anytime during the day.
by (28 points)
Gaz'Haragoth has a daily spawn. When the server comes back online, after the server save, you can open the cyclopedia and see the exclamantion sign of a raid in prison -4, in his spot.
by (306 points)
Yeah, but in that day the raid started close to the next server save, my World lost it because there were only a few players online and we couldn't kill it. My World also received Ghazbaran raid like 3 hours before server save, so it's completely random.