+3 votes
by (1,229 points)
bumped ago by
As the question states, has there ever been items removed from the list of prizes that fansites are allowed to give out?

What are the items are why were they removed?

2 Answers

+1 vote
ago by (24 points)
view edits | edited ago by

NO, there is no proof of any itens are removed from the rewards pool. Fansites can select prizes that will be offered later in the contestIn certain cases, a fansite submits a prize proposal, but it is eventually adjusted by Cipsoft members for various reasons. Therefore, the prizes are not always entirely defined by the fansite, and occasionally, along with rare and valuable items, other less unique and interesting items from the participants' point of view appear. Some of de side rewards allowed to given in a pool prize: (Tibia.Fandom.com)

Note (1): Arcane InsigniaCM TokenCouncil CertificateLaurel Wreath and The Famous Golden Bug can only be given out by CipSoft. 

Fansite Itens:
There is only one item
Scroll of the Stolen Momentyou can't earn or buy-it, even the replica version, because was removed from the fansite program before the item was implemented in-game.

Many of the items that once existed in Tibia as a reward for winning a fan-site competition are no longer rewards because the promoted sites are no longer part of the CipSoft program and since they are items from events promoted by them, they can no longer be distributed as prizes. All existing or ever-existing Contest Prizes items can be seen at The Tibian Prize Exhibitionlocated ,underground near Thais' Games Hall (here) for a fee of 50gps. (prize show on Sundays).

You can buy replica fan-site items from NPC Jorge, at Adventures' Guild for 20 Silver Raid Tokens Tokens even if they are no longer part of the CipSoft fansite program. Remember that they are just replicas of the original items. Tibia has a fansite program that has some agreements, both for Supported and Promoted Tibia Fansites. Sites that fail to comply with some regulations, were later demoted due to some irregularity, did not follow the rules, want to stop being official partners or are in some way analyzed as a scam, are discontinued.

All existing or ever-existing items (official or replicas) can be seen by clicking HERE. Or you can check out in the image below: (FanSites Itens)

Note (2): 20th Anniversary of the Fansite Programme: 

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Fansite Programme, CipSoft will be holding a Nostalgia Raffle for items that have been discontinued and are no longer part of the promoted fansites. (some of the old ex-fansites itens now can be acquired by lottery).

ago by (24 points)
edited ago by
It was an error of judgment, the answer has already been re-evaluated and adjusted. thanks to Tynusiiaa and Raven for feedback.
ago by (11 points)
cool now i know what i can farm
ago by (24 points)
that's the spirit! =]
0 votes
ago by (1,980 points)
view edits | edited ago by

It's been a while since I've been on the staff of a supported fansite, but as far as I know, no relevant item has ever been removed from the prizes list.  

However, until the summer update 2010 it was possible to obtain runes with x99 charges in contests. It is worth mentioning that in the past runes with more than 1 charge were rare. These runes were replaced by rune emblems.

Between 2009-2010, these were the items available on the list:

  • 2x runes with each 99 charges (rune can be chosen by the winner) - Until the summer update 2010
  • 10x bullseye potion
  • 10x mastermind potion
  • 1x tome (colour can be chosen)
  • 1x jewel case (as a first prize)
  • 1x yellow rose
  • 1x wolf whistle
  • 1x teddy bear
  • 2-3x amulet or necklace (like elven amulet, protection amulet, silver amulet, stone skin amulet, dragon necklace)
  • 1x special amulet (like terra amulet, glacier amulet, lightning pendant, magma amulet)
  • 5 rings of choice (axe ring, club ring, sword ring, dwarven ring, energy ring, life ring, power ring, time ring, stealth ring, ring of healing)
  • 100 infernal bolts - as a first prize up to 500
  • 100 demonic essences – as a first prize up to 400
  • 30 days premium time or 90 days premium time (depending on the event)
  • cups of honour (bronze, silver, champion - for soccer events)
  • warrior trophies (bronze, silver, golden)
  • trophies of excellence (bronze, silver, golden)
  • goblets (bronze, silver, golden)
  • medal of honour
  • rune emblemes
  • frozen starlight
  • stuffed dragon
  • baby seal doll
  • panda teddy
  • teddy
  • nightmare doll
  • stuffed toad
  • 1x addon item (Mandrake, Soul stone, Dragon Claw, Nose Ring)
  • 3 bast skirts (as one prize)
  • 4 pirate items (as one prize) (the Lethal Lissy's shirt, Ron the Ripper's sabre, Deadeye Devious' eye patch, Brutus Bloodbeard's hat)
  • death ring
  • demon trophy
  • one of these trophies: Wolf, Orc, Behemoth, Deer, Cyclops, Dragon Lord, Lion, Minotaur, Marlin, Bonebeast, Disgusting, Souleater

Between 2011-2012 , the following items were added:

  • gold ingots
  • one of these taming items: hunting horn, tin key, leather whip, reins, carrot on a stick, giant shrimp, slug drug, fist on a stick, bag of apple slices
  • vampire doll
  • mini mummy
  • hero's medal
  • elven trophy
  • badge of glory
  • royal medal
  • heavy medal
  • snake god trophy

Other items were added in subsequent years, such as:

  • copper prision key
  • bronze prision key
  • silver prision key
  • golden prision key
  • dream matter
  • bamboo leaves
  • decorative ribbon
  • foxtail
  • golden can of oil
  • golden fir cone
  • harness
  • maxilla maximus
  • sweet smelling bait
  • blue sphere

 I don't know what the current prizes list is like, but I usually follow the contests organized by fansites, and the prizes still seem to be the same, without any major changes.
