+1 vote
by (1,516 points)

Fansite items are very useful for promoting fansites. Most of the time when there is a contest the fansite item is given to the first place in a contest. 

Has there ever been or will there be an occasion for a fansite to give away more than one fansite item as a prize in a single competition?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,318 points)
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I do not recall any single contest (not event, or contribution!) where there was handed over more than one fansite item apart of very recent one organised by TibiaDraptor1. Contest finished on 18th May 2022, and was for 10 days in total. In total 6 people won  Tibia Draptor in one contest- 5 for Lucky Creature Winner and 1 for accumulating  highest amount of the points for daily guessing. Additionally, their points will be added to the yearly summary with the chance of getting one more doll.

Another one which comes to my mind is the lottery organised by Cipsoft for Fansite Appreciation Day (first made in 2022)2. 102 Items (3 of each fansite) were given away3. Winners listed in here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/29866/winners-first-lottery-fansite-items-for-fansite-appreciation-event-2022

TibiaWiki organised event for 15th Birthday where they will be distributing 15 items for the winnershttps://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/Tibia_Wiki:Concurso/en

Another Fansite- BomDia organising event which u can get 4 BomdiaTibia Journal Shield and one Bard Doll (Tibiaria Website)

The other contests which you probably can say few items were given, are the one organised on "yearly" basis such as Tibia Bosses- The Great Boss Hunt2, Tibiopedia- Guess Boosted Creature4 etc. However, those are refreshed every year, and only one fansite Item is given yearly. 

The Website which I believe so far gave plenty of their representative item will  be Tibia Events 5- who organises every month contests for the players. 

1. https://tibiadraptor.com/contests

2. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6613&fbegind=20&fbeginm=3&fbeginy=2022&fendd=20&fendm=5&fendy=2022&flist=11111111

3. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6663&fbegind=20&fbeginm=3&fbeginy=2022&fendd=20&fendm=5&fendy=2022&flist=11111111


5. https://tibiopedia.pl/forum/t/26311,Odgadnij-wzmocnionego-potwora

6. https://tibiaevents.com/

by (1,516 points)
I hope that these items get into the hands of the right people, that is, those who will actually expose the items, bringing their real meaning of publicizing the fansites' work. :)
by (2,208 points)
We had an active contest until yesterday night in Elpodcastibiano, we organized it along with TibiaMagazine and TibiaHome. Its a 3 in one contest where you can get 1 of each of the fansite items for each of the websites, and also a 2nd and 3rd place for each contest with valuable prizes too. https://www.elpodcastibiano.com/2022/04/the-wild-wedding-xena-y-white-lion-se.html
by (6,736 points)
If you'll find some time you can update your answer with the most recent contest organized on the occasion of 20 years of PortalTibia.com.br. They will give away 20 Epaminondas Dolls which makes this even the biggest contest in the Fansite Programme history held by one fansite.
+2 votes
by (439 points)

Most fansites do their competions where the first place gets the fansite item and the rest other prizes, but more than one fansite item as a prize in a single competion I think I would say Bom Dia Tibia.

They just released a contest where in the first mission you will get in the first, second, third place will get their unique item, and on the second mission they will give to the second place their unique item:

''Journal Shield''image

This will be 4 shields in one whole Contest. I've been part of many and I've never seen the First, Second, Third place (win more than one fansite item).
by (1,516 points)
Very interesting... :)