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by (159 points)
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i don’t really care about waste. Just wanna exp full

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (23 points)
If you want to improve, take some training wands to improve magic level, which is important stat during powergaming paladin sessions.

Until level 45, keep killing whatever is moving - you do exact same damage to every single mosnter, because you can use only onyx arrows as a top damage. Since 50, you can start using mas san. With a proper good magic level, you can sustain on middle spike, which is amazing spot to rp to spam mas san.
+1 vote
by (576 points)
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Since there are very limited answers so far, I'll add some.

At 45 these spawns will still be hard, but with your distance and proper player skills most likely doable (easier at 50+)

Krailos surface with fire walls! Good experience / mediocore loot (sometimes you get a lucky voodoo doll but thats it)

Liberty Bay Wyrms(Cave/mountain) will be good exp but dangerous if you encounter 2+. They are pretty much singles there though just dont walk around too much.

The old classic - Muggy Plains. Depending on how familiar you are with the spawn the xp can vary from really good to terrible.

Edron Vampire Crypts might also be considerable, probably not too great pre 50, but then with gfb+mas san it will for sure be a great spot.

Not sure about this one, but Hellspawns surface with energy walls might be doable, even though again risky. Just run east if you feel like you cant handle the amount and despawn them. Exp might proof to be pretty decent.
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by (5,070 points)

Here on Forbbiden temple

200k/hr + PROFIT

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by (24 points)
You can try too on the entrance of heros fortress on edron or the classic dragon ankrahmun/darashia/yalahar/edron, etc