+1 vote
by (132 points)

I play on Kardera, Rookgaard, but I asked if I could transfer from this server to Pulsera, why? This character. It is supposed to have certain Mainland items in Rookgaard and does not have the message that other characters in bazaar do.

The problem, and what sets off my alarm bells, is that if you look up the character's recent deaths, you find that he died...

That is, this very year... It wouldn't be weird if he had died, rooked and moved items from Maindland to Rookgaard before the date CipSoft fixed this bug, so I don't know if it's a scam attempt or if he really has the items in Rookgaard. If so, is this another bug that allows items to be brought from Mainland to Rookgaard?

by (17,406 points)
Hello I see that warning message on that character
by (132 points)
Yes, it has a warning message, but the items that are marked are the barbarian Axe, parchment, backpack and adventurer stone, not the brass set, steel shield and Jagged Sword.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (495 points)

Information about mainland items on Rookgaard (it's no longer possible to transfer)

Information how not to get scammed in the bazaar when it comes to Rookgaard characters (warnings 1-5 are outdated, so I copy-paste just 6, 7, 8):

Warning #6

If you bid on a character with a wedding outfit, the outfit will be removed from the character when the transaction is finalized. Also - if you put your character (with a wedding outfit) to an auction and nobody buys it, you will also loose your wedding outfit. Edit: wedding outfit no longer disappears if the auction is cancelled or noone buys the character.

Warning #7

Before you buy a character, make sure to read rule #3 of our forum, to avoid buying a botted character.

Warning #8

Red notification and greyed out item slots appear for characters which have at least 1 item in their depot or inbox on mainland. It it possible for a scammer to avoid the red message in his character auction:

If a player goes to Island of Destiny and gets a brass set with a help of his second character, then puts it on an auction, there will be no red notification. Characters located in the starting area on Island of Desiny have their residence set to Rookgaard and they have no vocation, so it's not known where the character is located, before you buy it. If the player used 2 characters to move items from one to another, the character that is put on the bazaar will not even have the "Child of Destiny" quest line visible in the auction information. Same thing goes for bestiary progress, he might only have Rookgaard creatures in the list, while being located on Island of Destiny.

Usually, such scam character would have level 8 or 9, but t's possible for a scammer to share experience points in a party mode on his two characters while they're on Island of Destiny, so even if it's level 10+ character, it's still possible to get scammed with brass sets, jagged swords, daramian maces, steel axes, among other items, which can be found in the vocation rooms on Island of Destiny, looted from monsters located in the dungeons, or bought from the NPCs located there.

The red notification does not appear for old auctions, which started before the implementation of the feature (2023.03.01).

r/Rookgaard - Read this before you buy a character in Char Bazaar on tibia.com

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rookgaard
