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Recently I saw a knight 800 on rapid resp o single sqm hunt  on feru way, there are other respawn wher it also can be done ? Think on different ek level.  And it can be done also on regular respawn rate ?  If possible help me listing this possibiliteis

Reference for a single sqm hunt:


My ek nowadays is a 750 with 126 axe skill with full set 

by (5,801 points)
Improved your question. In the future, always add you level in the title and use a "?" in the question title.

1 Answer

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by (17 points)
In rapid respawn, you can try hunting Bulltaurs just south of the Plains of Havoc. This area has a high density of creatures, and even without fast respawn, they reappear quickly, making it ideal for rapid respawn hunting. If a group of eight is too much for you, there’s a spot in the center where you can position yourself against a wall, limiting the number of Bulltaurs around you to just five.