+1 vote
by (1,205 points)
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As the question states, are there some spawns that are better with certain creatures trapped away?

Which spawns are they? Which creatures should be trapped away? How does removing these creatures improve the hunt?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,208 points)

Asura mirror: Trap "True asuras" so the resp will be full of normal asuras and hellspawns. Some players also trap hellspawns to maximize XP/h. This technic is used by Solo Knights/Paladins

Ferumbras Ascendant (DT seal): In -2 for Solo knights or also Duo hunts is useful to trap hellflayer to maximize Xp and profit.

by (17,406 points)
What about lava lurkers?
+1 vote
by (17 points)
Cobra Bastion, people often trap away the Cobra Viziers depending on the team to make the hunt a lot safer.