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As the question states whats the best spawn for duo mages (MS/ED)600 + to experience together and has places to run if enemys come?

1 Answer

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by (5,046 points)

The best one right now is Kilmaresh Steppe (Issavi surface), respawn full Young Goanna Young Goanna, Adult GoannaAdult Goanna, Feral Sphinx Feral Sphinx and ManticoresManticore mostly.

The second best place in my opinion would be the Brain Grounds (The souls access in Jakundaf Dessert from the Feaster of souls quest). The -1 and -2 floors are the best to hunt, they are full of Flimsty Lost Souls Flimsy Lost Soul , Mean Lost Souls Mean Lost Souland Grim reapers Grim Reaper.
