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by (25 points)
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News ticker from 16.01.2024:

With today's server save, we have adjusted the gem drop probabilities that were doubled for the time of introduction. In general, the decrease is less significant than originally intended. Only the drop chance for influenced creatures was halved, the drop chance for fiendish creatures and archfoe bosses was reduced to a lesser extent. Certain Archfoe bosses mistakenly failed to drop gems, this issue has now been resolved. Furthermore, there was an adjustment to the participation measurement regarding the new boss resilience that was introduced with the winter update. Any participation other than damage dealt to bosses is now reduced by the percentage of the bonus boss resilience.

 As we can read in the highlighted part of news ticker quoted above, some bosses were meant to drop gems for wheel of destiny since gem atelier introduction, but that was not the case and they supposedly only started to drop them after the fix from 16.01.2024. Which archfore bosses did that refer to?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,874 points)

It's difficult to say, as CipSoft did not provide a list of bosses that were affected. However, CM Liamas confirmed 2 bosses that were not dropping gems: Moonlight Aster and the Winter Bloom.
