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by (1,417 points)
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Recently I discover answer a question about gems, that they unlock by parts however i{m not entirely sure how this works, if by points or by unlocking slots on the wheel of destiny and how many needs each perk, the first one the second one and the third one.

1 Answer

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by (1,205 points)
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Unlocking slots on the wheel

If I understand your question correctly, the answer is for certain slots you will need points only and other slots you will need points and a gem in the vessel.

If you take a look at the top right quadrant below, slot A needs 50 points allocated to unlock both the Dedication and Conviction perk. 

If you take a look at slot B, you can unlock the Dedication perk by allocating 75 points, however to get the Conviction perk, you will need to allocate a red gem in the vessel on the Gem Atelier tab.

How many points for slots 1,2,3?

It depends on which quadrant you are allocating points in because you can fill all 3 slots in the top left quadrant and bottom right quadrant with minimum 475 points.

To fill in all 3 slots for the top right and bottom left quadrant, you need a minimum of 550 points. This is because the slots are in a less direct path.  

I hope this helps!
