0 votes
by (17 points)
I have 3 houses and I was wondering if it is possible for someone to transfer a house to me through tibia.com?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (152 points)
From tibia.com: "only Premium players can rent or bid for houses, and they cannot rent more than three houses per account."

Source: https://www.tibia.com/gameguides/?subtopic=manual&section=houses

If a house could be transferred to you, that'd mean you'd own 4 houses, so it's not possible.
0 votes
I mean... Is that someone owner of the 3 houses or just a guest? You would have to consider that first. If you are SURE that he's the owner, basically you can't do it as he already owns 3 houses. BUT IF HE'S A GUEST, then you technically could. You could make someone a GUEST on a 1,000 houses if you wanted to, But ownership it's a whole different issue. TALK TO HIM :)
by (17,406 points)
In the question it's asking to transfer the house through tibia.com
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