+1 vote
by (356 points)
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For EK with mid level range of +-600... considering a 2 hour playtime per day. What would be the best use of time in terms of profit... doing a boss rotation considering the % of drop rate or a hunting session to have an assured profit?

The best answer should include hunting spots and proposed boss rotation comparison with the math that supports the recommendation. Also it could include both, a solo hunt/rotation and a team hunt/rotation.
by (5,801 points)
Adding vocation and level range on question title would be better! And you want go solo or with team bosses? Specify that, please. :)
by (356 points)
Included the Voc and level range on the question title. I guess it would be best to see both comparisons, solo and/or team... also included that on the question
by (5,801 points)
Edit: I Improved the question title and tags.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (282 points)
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You are literally asking a very broad question. If you go hunting at a profit respawn you will probably do 1.5kk/h. On bosses it may vary. Before, the gold and silver bosses always gave the same amount of tokens and are always profit,but now you can get 1 gold token or 1 silver token per boss, and get out of gold bosses with 3 or 4 gold tokens and out of grave danger with 5 silver, which sucks a lot. If you are lucky you can get away with much more. This is without talking about bosses like magma, oberon... that if they give you something you become rich, but the chance is very low. I have done more than 300 magmas and I haven't gotten anything, if I had invested that time in hunting, I would have earned more, but if I had gotten something It would have been profitable.

Right now my opinion is that it's better to hunt, but if you get bored and want make something different, you can always try your luck with the bosses, it's like a casino.