+1 vote
by (63 points)
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What is the best way to leveling up a solo Elite knight above level 100?, so far I've level an EK, being so hard and so boring ( I know this vocation tends to be this way) but i'm wondering, since I'm and old player, if I've been doing it the wrong way and doing it in the old fashioned-out-of-date-pain-in-the-a** way, and theres is just a plain simple and faster method to do so. Any tip or idea? (Skill 105/98)
closed as a duplicate of: Where can I make profit at level 100 as a knight?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.
by (2,564 points)
I'm a little lost. In your question title, you say "profitable" but in your post, you seem to be looking for a fast and fun way to level up an EK. Which is it? :)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,048 points)
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Best answer

There is no profitable/fast way to level up, at least not on your level. Some of places are better to make experience and others profit (All places are to hunt solo).


  • Sea Serpents (Svargrond).
  • Frost Dragon (Svargrond).
  • Yielothax (Farmine).
  • Dragon Lords (Farmine).
  • Wyrns (Liberty Bay).
  • Hydras (Port Hope).
  • Roaring Lions (Darashia).
  • Giant Spiders (Port Hope).
  • High Class Lizzards (Farmine).

Profit (Imbuements Items):

  • Bloody Pincers dropped from Blood Crabs at Meriana.
  • Rope belt dropped from Cults at Yalahar.
  • Sabretooth dropped from Mutated Tigers at Yalahar.
  • Piece Of Dead Brain dropped from Braindeath at Yalahar.
  • Broken Shamanic Staff dropped from Orc Shaman at Orc Fortress.
  • Elven Hoof dropped from Forest Fury at Carlin.
  • Protective Charm dropped from Amazon and Valkyries at Venore.

by (63 points)
Amazing answer very complete, thanks a lot for the tips bro
0 votes
by (13 points)
Friend with full imbuement, I believe lizards, bristrom bugs, sea serpent, cults, werecriatures, maybe some cults.

But hunt solo I think these for the lvl range is interesting!
–1 vote
by (7 points)
Hello, knight on łów level i very hard to Play solo, u have noce skills for youre level but u need to know for fast exp u need kilka a lot monster in short time. The beat way to make this od hunt with team. But if you want hunt solo in 100+ level go to yielothax on zao, sea Serpent in svargrond, boograider and mutated Tiger on yalahar, wyrms im LB or Darashia. Go ther and try hunt with exori, exori gran this make up yours k/h.