+1 vote
by (152 points)
With Tibia becoming more complex every update, preparation before hunting is more important than ever. We need to remember to bring the correct amulets, rings, boots, wheel of destiny configuration and whatnot. How to check that I'm not forgetting anything before going to the hunting grounds?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,229 points)
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Best answer

Here is a checklist you can use to get the most out of your hunt. I kept my recommendations broad to cover a variety of levels, vocations, and hunting spawns. 

1. Do you have access to the spawn?

  • Certain spawns have access quests and some people may not realize they can’t even get into the spawn until the whole team is ready and headed there. Make sure your character has access!
  • Do you have your access item? For example scythe for Secret Library?
  • Do you have your multitool for opening holes and roping out of them?
  • Do you need any keys for doors?

2. Know the spawn

  • You can do research on Tibiawiki to find out the type of creatures in a spawn, what they are weak to, and what type of damage they deal. By doing this, you’ll know what type of equipment, rings, amulets, and runes to bring in order to adequately protect your character. 

3. Know your equipment

  • Make sure you’re wearing the appropriate equipment for the spawn. Some armors make you strong to one element but weak to another. For example, all the raiments have a +8% to one element and -8% to another element. These armors may not be the best option for spawns that have mixed damage types such as buried cathedral.  
  • You can also check your general stats in Cyclopedia to make sure the eq you have on provides the appropriate damage reduction.

4. Imbuements

  • Is your equipment imbued with the right protections or damage enhancements?
  • Is your backpack imbued to carry extra supplies? 
  • Having your imbuement tracker window open can help insure everything is imbued and there is enough time left on it to make it through the hunt. 

5. Runes

  • Do you have the appropriate AOE runes? SDs?
  • Do you have UHs to act as a backup healer?
  • Do you have/need bombs or walls?
  • Do you need destroy fields or disintegrate runes for any reason? 

6. Potions

  • Make sure you have the appropriate health of mana potions for your level and vocation.
  • Did you remember to bring mastermind, bullseye, or berserk potions?
  • Will you be using any drome potions?

7. Are all your hotkeys and spells set?

  • If you’re a druid, are your sios set for the correct players?
  • Double check if the right hotkeys are set.
  • If you’re in a spawn where there is heavy reflection damage for certain elements, you may want to remove certain spells from hotkeys. For example, as an MS, I do not have Fire UE on a hotkey in Summer Courts. Accidentally hitting this spell could kill me in a large pull.  

8. Is your Wheel of Destiny set?

  • Make sure all of your points are allocated correctly and the appropriate gems are placed in the vessel. 

9. Are your charms set?

  • If you have bosstiary complete, make sure you have charms applied to the creatures in the spawn. 

10. Preys

  • Do you have hunting preys set for the spawn? 
  • If you find that you're taking more damage than you’re comfortable with, try using defense preys.
  • If you’re pushing for levels, xp preys would help you reach your goals.

11. Hunting Task

  • If you're working towards any of the hunting task items/mounts/outfits, make sure to choose creatures that will be in spawn. It’s ideal to choose the most common creature in the spawn to ensure you finish it during the hunt.

12. Boosts

  • Did you take your daily reward? It could be the day for your free 30 minute boost.
  • Did you buy your 1 hour TC boost? 
  • If it’s the day before double XP or rapid and you’re planning a 2h hunt, buy a 30 TC boost the day before. This way, you can pay 30 TC for another boost the day of double instead of buying both boosts the same day for 15 TC more. Buying 2 boosts the same day will cost 30 TC then 45TC.   

13. Using up your dusts

  • Did you use up your dusts so you don’t hit your limit during the hunt?

14. Do you have all 7 blessings?

  • In case you die, you want to make sure you protect your xp, skills, and items. 

15. Did you bring your brown mushrooms?

  • As a mage, I always make sure to max out my mana regeneration. 

16. Tibia settings

  • Is the sound volume to your liking?
  • Are your lighting effects set properly?

17. Hardware IRL

  • Will you be on discord and is your microphone working property?
  • Are you streaming and is it all set up property?  

18. Make adjustments as needed

  • This is the most important because depending on your play style, you may realize you’re taking more damage from an element than you were initially prepared for. Always look at your Input Analyser window to check what damage you’re taking the most of and adjust your EQ accordingly. 
  • What supplies did you run out of first? Do you need to adjust your ratios to bring more runes, potions, ammunition, etc and less of something else?

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting! 

0 votes
by (282 points)
Hey! Its so easy, just take a letter and make a list for each spawn you go hunt, like for example:

Cobra as ed: Poison flask, prismatic ring, theurgic amulet, x avalanches, x potions, bear skin (check imbu), gill legs...

And you go 1 by 1 checking you have everything