0 votes
by (35 points)
In order to fight final bosses in Pirate’s Tail Quest you need to collect 1200 trust points from tasks.

Each task gives you different amount of points after finishing them daily.

So how to get those points the fastest way?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (1,874 points)

The fastest way is to do all the available tasks, which are:

Memory Test: grants you 50 points, and you can repeat it every 2 hours.

Suply Mission: grants you 200 points, and you can repeat it every 20 hours.

Stealth Mission: grants you 200 points, and you can repeat it every 20 hours.

You will need a team of up to 5 players to complete the Supply task. The rest you can do alone.

If you need more information about each task, I recommend reading:


0 votes
by (287 points)
When this Quest was newly implemented and many people were doing these tasks I would say that the fastest and safest way would be by repeating Supply Task and Memory Mission because you will definately need few tries to finish Stealth Task. That Stealth mission really aint easy for begginers.

Unfortunately right now is quite tough to find team on most servers for Supply mission.

I would say that nowadays you need to master at Stealth and still stick to Memory.