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by (35 points)
So in daily task of Pirate’s Tail Quest you can complete the Memory Test in which you first need to remember pattern of shells and stones and then you need to stand in spot with same pattern.

What’s the best way to memorize that?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (35 points)

There are more ways to finish this task but I always use the same and works for me every time.

I remember two lines - the longest with 3 items and second longest with 2 items.

There is always one pattern with the same distribution of these 2 lines.

0 votes
by (1,205 points)

Here's how I memorized the pattern.

All you really need to remember are: what's in the center line, the direction of the center line, and where the double white shell line is. 

To do so, start with "1" and remember it makes a V of shells with "2". 

"1" has white shells on top. 

"3" and "4" are a side V of stars with the white shells on top.

"5-8" have alternating centers. 5=shell, 6=star, 7=shell, 8=star.

"5" has white shells on top.

 As soon as the image in the pattern in the middle appears, start moving towards the correct area so that when it appears I can confirm I am correct. If I'm not, I still have time to correct my mistake. 
