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by (1,212 points)
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With a party of levels 900+, whats the easiest or fastest way to get the charms to start hunting?

We all have the quest completed so we can hunt with hazard level between 0-12.

1 Answer

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by (224 points)
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Best answer

Hunting Gnomprona requires team work and the right protection gear/Wheel of Destiny.

You guys can start at Hazard 6 or 7 and the easiest spot to begin is the Sparkling Pools with the following creatures: 

Emerald Tortoise Gore Horn  Gorerilla Hulking Prehemoth   Sabretooth

Physical, Energy and Fire will be the main sources of damage.

Core items: Elven Mail (with Ruse, if possible), Prismatic Necklace, Prismatic Ring, Sun Catcher. 

Stack on all the Energy and Fire protection you guys can get.

Imbues: Powerful Dragon Hide, Powerful Cloud Fabric and Powerful Vampirism.

Earth damage is the best option after the last alteration CipSoft did with the Gnomprona spawns so use Stone Shower Runes .

For the Wheel of Destiny: Gift of Life for everyone. Energy, Fire and as many Mitigation protection as possible. 

Hunting Route: Sparkling Pools Alternative Spawn 

Number 1: the beginning of the hunt.

Number 2: the end of the lap. 

Between Number 2 and Number 1 there is one Ore Wagon  to speed up the route. 

After finishing each lap you can use the Ore Wagon to get closer to the beginning of the route.

Route starts at the blue circle and finishes at the red circle. 

With this route your team will always get 8-9 creatures on every pull, which is optimal to get the Bestiary done and get used to the creatures. 

And be careful with the Primal Pods, once they appear the team has to step on it as quick as possible, otherwise a Fungosaurus  will spawn for each pod that is not stomped. It will blink in yellow color when the time is almost up. If you step on it quickly you wont receive any damage but if you step on it in the last phase you will receive Ice Damage from it. It is normal to fail with the Primal Pods at some point and if it happens I recommend everyone to use Bombs to avoid getting feared and focus on killing the Fungosaurus. 

That covers the basic stuff from this hunting ground. Good Luck and have fun with this adventure!
