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by (1,516 points)
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The creatures of the place are very strong.

> What would be the level indication to face them? 

> How many players is it recommended to hunt in a party at this location?

> What are the recommended protections?

1 Answer

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by (95 points)
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The first wagon is Monster Graveyard.
You'll fight against Nighthunter, Stalking Stalk, Sulphider, Sulphur Spouter and Undertaker. You need Earth, Death and Fire Damage as Physical Damage and has a monster that roots in area.

The second wagon is Crystal Enigma.
You'll fight against Noxus Ripptor, Headpacker, Shrieking Cry-Stal (fears), Mercurial Menance and Mantosaurus. You need Physical, Energy and Poison Protection.

The third wagon is Sparkling Pools
You'll fight against Hulking Prehemot, Gorerilla, Gore Horn (it rarely roots, but does), Sabretooth and Emerald Tortoise. You need Physical, Energy and Fire Protection.

If your party is less than level 1000 I would recommend x5 with two druids, hazard 8 or 9. The level depends of the hunt, the hazard level and the party level and it's items and protections, so it's really hard to measure. you gotta test the hunt and see what happens. I'd recommend starting at 6 (if you're too low level) and level it up with your experience.
by (328 points)
Is it possible to do bestiary there as a lvl 500 team? I mean, going with hazard zero (or 1, don't know the starting number).
by (95 points)
The hazards starts at 1.

With the right equipments and defenses, two EDs or defense preys on the EK you can do it. I can't say it will be worth it (experience and loot, unless you're really lucky and drop a plunder) but it is manageable. I'd recommend starting at Monster Graveyard, box to box without overluring.