+3 votes
by (2,116 points)

One of the recent titles implemented in this update is "Aeternal".

Its description says: "Awarded exclusively to stalwart heroes keeping the fate under all circumstances." but like any other title it lacks of hints or at least a clue on how to obtain it. Its really a cool name and description. Hope any of you guys can help me before I figure it out myself.

5:44 Congratulations! You earned the character title "Aeternal".

i take it recently , years in the same lvl meybe?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,557 points)
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Best answer

I am not entirely certain of the period of time but it seems to be related to character creation date.

My guess is that it's granted to characters who are 10 years old or more.

The reason why this is my guess is because I play with an old account from 2004 and I have characters created in different years:
- A character on Gentebra created in May 2020 does not have the title
- A character on Menera created in August 2018 does not have the tile
- My Rookgaard character on Bona, originally created on Guardia, has the title!

Unfortunately I don't remember when my Rookgaard character was created but it was surely over 10 years ago. At first I thought the title was for 5-year old characters but my Menera character denies that theory.

UPDATE: I've scraped data from the bazaar auctions and listed characters that have the title based on their creation date. As of today (January 21, 2024), these are the first characters in the list and their creation date:

- Nyrokim (Auction 1475988): 2013-12-15 07:57:20
- Exege (Auction 1476463): 2013-12-11 06:36:21
- Machu picchuca (Auction 1476383): 2013-12-01 17:09:22
- Sorgerionk (Auction 1476612): 2013-11-27 17:31:41
- Arth Nagon (Auction 1476001): 2013-11-26 08:26:46
- Perfect Arrow (Auction 1476375): 2013-11-17 18:18:30

With this information I believe it's safe to say that a character must be 10 years old to unlock the title.

by (2,116 points)
I saw a guy on reddit saying his character is older than 10 years and doesn't have it. Its yet to figure out whether its 10 years of existence or 10 years of premmy, which I doubt.
by (1,557 points)
If it was premium related it would be account bound, which is not the case.
0 votes
by (495 points)
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Most likely for your tibia account character being 10 years old.

Source: Talking with players.

by (731 points)
It is not account specific, however it is character specific. For example, I made a character three years ago and it does not have the title. My characters that were made over ten years ago were all granted the title.
by (495 points)
Thx for info. I will edit my answer.
0 votes
I just unlocked the title for characters that was created >20 years ago. So it's definitely not 10 years of existence. I bought premium and logged in for my 900th loyalty points for my account... this could be the 900th loyalty point my characters get.