+1 vote
by (4,316 points)
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How can I set a Title to my character? Is it possible to do at website or ingame?
by (4,451 points)
Oh I was thinking all the time about badges on your account when i wrote my answer... Idk why >.<

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
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Best answer

To set a character title u need to go:
Cyclopedia > Character > Character Title > Select the title to use > click on the pen > set as character title

Isn't Possible to set a character title from the website.

Also, right in the unlocked section when u have selected a title u can see a hint icon which show how to obtain the title.

by (5,689 points)
oops, you first :<
by (4,451 points)
And i was thinking about account badges XD My brain is dead i think ...
by (1,534 points)
i use to reload the page a few 2-3 times to secure myself no one else have answered yet D;
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Yes, sure :) You can do it in game, I made small instruction for you. On page you can only sets the visibility of badgers (you can't do it in game).
