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I put an character for an auction and send to my friends tibia coins to bid character and finally it has been sold for someone other for more tcs.

The question is, is it legal to help bid your own auction to get more tc for it?
by (564 points)
Unless it's an afterthought, according to auctions theory, it doesn't make sense to bid on your own offer. Minimal Price is the mechanism designed to this purpose. Otherwise, you may overbid and loose a total of 101TC + freezing some of them.

1 Answer

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by (80 points)
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I wouldn't say it's illegal.

There's a safety build in the 'char bazaar' meaning, you can't bid with same account and 10% of the bid is always taken from your account. This prevents people from bidding something foolishly.

Is it morally ok - that's another question xD

EDIT: I've read everything that's on Tibia.com in regards to Char bazaar. It isn't mentioned anywhere whether you can or can not do it.
by (17,406 points)
Perhaps an official answer would be the best answer here. If you want to ask cipsoft in a ticket that would make for a great answer
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