+1 vote
by (35 points)
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I have recently noticed that fansite items drop their price.

What is the reason of this situation?
by (564 points)
Sorry for being sarcastic, but I believe that sadly it is due to fansite item lotteries and users farming questions like this one to qualify for a draw.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

In my opinion, the decline in the price of fansite items was influenced by 3 major factors:

1) Fansite Appreciation Day lotteries,

2) removing fansite items from the Market,

3) the introduction of a tier system into the game.

Through the lottery held during Fansite Appreciation Day, the number of fansite items given away during the year increased. However, I think that it is not the amount of items given out that is the reason, but to whom they are given out. They are given to people who did not put any effort into getting them, making the vision of profit make them want to get rid of the new item as soon as possible. They have often undercut these prices in the past to get rid of them as quickly as possible. And this is also where the removal of items from the marketplace comes into play. A person who wins such an item does not have the opportunity to simply sell it through the in-game market, so having to constantly advertise their offer is inclined to let the price down faster. "The item is worth 10k TC? I'll sell it for 7k TC, get rid of it faster!" It only took 2 years to make prices 10 times lower, by thinking this way.

The tier system is not insignificant either. Until now, the determinant of richness in the game was the number of rare items (including fansite items), now people are looking for sources of income to invest in tiering. That's why they are selling off their collections instead of putting in their budget. 

0 votes
by (287 points)
Just like in real life market - there are periods of time when things gain/lose its worth.

In previous 2 years we had very extreme raise of items prices - mostly due to corona virus lockdown and very increased number of players coming back to Tibia.

Nowadays most likely not many fresh people will start playing Tibia again, demand will be low and the prices will surely drop even more.

Also as somebody mentioned - fansite appreaciation days will make fansites lose value.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
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OFFER = Players who want SELL the item

DEMAND = Players who want BUY the item

  • With the itroduction of the fasite apreciation day ansd his fansite item lotery, the offer of fansite items in the market incress each year, so this drops the price because most of the winners sell the item.
  • The factor of the type of server where the item is for the chance to transfer it t more servers:
  1. Hardcore PvP Server (Most value)
  2. Open PvP Server (Moderate value)
  3. Optional PvP Server (Less value)
by (564 points)
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(NOTE: This comment was made to the original version of the answer)

I'm so sorry for another grumpy comment in this thread... But what kind of disregard for OP's intelligence do you people have to answer to a pricing question with a kindergarten demand-supply curve? See, Tibia's Parent's Guide contains the following passage:

"Tibia's trading system is another aspect your child will benefit from. Trading allows players to understand the principles of an economic system. Assessing prices of game objects is an important aspect in trades with other players. Thereby, players learn to understand the principles of supply and demand. "

Can we assume then, that when an adult asks such a question about pricing, they implicitly ask **what caused** the loss of demand and **what is the source** of increased supply?


My apologies if you find this comment inflammatory :(.