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by (1,212 points)
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I ve been looking in the Isle of Kings and I found a few, but i'm wondering if you have found books about secret library in other places.

1 Answer

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by (464 points)
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Hello dear friend,

I have been investigating about this books for some time, after looking your question and i only found this books relateds with library!

Zathroth's Library - Found in Isle of Kings

The Ferumbras Files -  Noodles Academy of modern Magic

Library Key - Desert Dungeon (we are not sure if this book is talking about zathroths library)

About Lord Lokhem - Carlin, found in one bookcase in paladin guild.

Thats all books i found about LIbrary of Zathroth or secrect library!

I hope i helped u,


Pd: Remember that u can check all the books in game in this TOOL.
There u can search all the entrances u need, i checked for:  Zathroth - Library (i found a lot of book from diferents librarys) - Secret library

by (1,212 points)
Thank you so much for that tool i didnt know it.
by (464 points)
Alawyas a Pleasure <3