0 votes
by (137 points)
How does Fatal/Onslaught appear in the Server Log when combined with Critical and other modifiers?

Here's an example of a critical attack:

20:43:42 Obujos loses 2 hitpoints due to a critical attack by Sibon Faur.

Here's the same example with Expose Weakness:

20:43:42 Obujos loses 2 hitpoints due to a critical attack by Sibon Faur. (increased damage by Expose Weakness)

What does it look like when the hit also has the Onslaught effect?
by (2,426 points)
I don't remember the order so I can't answer properly right now, but they appear separated by a comma. I'll try to get one of those messages later today.
by (137 points)
Same question with damage prey, by the way. Basically, how do all the modifiers combine into a single server log message?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,212 points)

It appears like this when it is only Fatal:

12:36 A deathling spellsinger loses 1524 due to your attack (Onslaught).

With both combined appears like this:

12:38 A deathling scout loses 2078 hitpoints due your critical attack (Onslaught).

by (137 points)
The question is: what does it look like when both Onslaught + Expose Weakness are active?
0 votes
by (8 points)
This is the exact message    21:29 A lost soul loses 780 hitpoints due to your critical attack. (Onslaught)
by (137 points)
Thanks, but the question was how it looks like when Expose Weakness is also active.