+5 votes
by (3,816 points)
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Today cipsoft announced that have selected the 10 winners of the title wave but didn’t announced the names of the winners neither the new titles added to the game
by (5,796 points)
It would be nice if the winners reveal what they suggested! I am very curious about what kind of title Cipsoft selected!

Chompmeister: Having completed all of Jean Pierre dishes.

Don't know if they left it as a yearly title, or permanent from the first time someone finishes all dishes.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,558 points)

I've only seen one public announcement from Dom Representa, on Gentebra. His title and description are:

Dommsday Nemesis

Awarded for great help in the battle against Gaz'haragoth

Source: Aurea Atti's Instagram post

by (5,796 points)
wouldn't it be "Doomsday"? A pretty cool title to have if you are a fan of MF Doom famous Doomsday track, hahaha
+2 votes
by (80 points)

They did announced the new titles in the official update post: 

source tibia.com
