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Named on The Three Wizards (Book)

The Complete and Unabridged Story of the Three Wizards

The Wizards were friends once. They still are, in a way... however, they are always arguing, complaining about each other and trying to outsmart each other whenever possible. Each of them basically has the exact same qualifications, goals and methods, but in completely different areas.

Before this time of unending quarrel, they were all working together on a complex experiment. Its goal was to create an ever-burning source of energy, fluid magic concentrated in a gigantic vessel. Ultimate, pure and self-replenishing power. They combined their talents and unique features, working together as a whole. Fern of Nature drew unfathomable amounts of energy from the life roots of the world, channelling all forms of energy created by living, moving things and even nature itself to Furb. Furb of Fun created a magic device, capable of conducting this stream of force to Feiz. Feiz was bending the planes of time and the laws of the whole physical realm of Tibia to form and sustain the vessel. The combined might of three highly trained and completely focussed wizards, who spent almost all their life concentrating on this single purpose, was necessary to keep this power at bay.

There were days of doubt, however. Days of recreation, days of training and focus. Days when they were weak and felt broken, even destroyed. It was on one of those days when they were first contacted by Carlotta. The wizards did not cherish many contacts to the world of men. Living high above in a small realm of their own magic, host to the clouds and secluded from even the eyes of dragons, they did not exactly get out much. When they learned about a fellow sorceress by the name of Carlotta, who somehow found out about what they were doing and who wanted to take part, they were actually enraged, even angry. As they saw no harm in what they were doing, however, they did not see any threat to their work in a person who suddenly took their plans seriously. Still, they were reluctant and turned her help down.

That was when Fern received a more... personal letter from Carlotta. The author of this story does not know the content of these writings, the consequences, however, are crucial to this tale. The problem was, Furb did not receive such a letter - neither did Feiz. When a second, a third and several more letters arrived, Fern had already stopped opening them in front of the others. And he wrote back. Their focus weakened.

As the weeks passed by, the results of their efforts were more often than not unsatisfactory. Around this time, the letters to Fern stopped. Fern never said a thing to the others. The project went on.

Everything went smoothly until Furb received a present. From Carlotta. Fern had never received anything else than written words. He would have even understood Carlotta turning to Furb for one reason or another, but a complete set of unique Zaoan jade figures changed everything. Fern loved Zaoan chess. He was heartbroken when he saw Furb playing with what was rightfully his. And Furb was writing letters now. Their focus weakened again. Furb and Fern were literally competing about even the smallest component of their everyday life. Finding out who was actually worthy of the sorceress changed their ways fundamentally.

When the project reached a critical state, Feiz cut the connection to the outside world completely. Isolated and in complete dismay, they continued.

They did not hear of Carlotta again. The experiment failed. Feiz' remarks about losing grip because of petty differences over the teasings of a woman made all three of them rivals. They now spend their time creating tests, riddles and even competitions to let the outside world decide what they, in all their equality, cannot.

What happened to Carlotta? Will the three ever declare a winner? And who is that distant relative Feiz suddenly has to visit from time to time?

1 Answer

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by (17,406 points)
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According to this official reply, Colours of Magic' is a reference to Terry Pratchett's book. Carlotta Von Uberwald is a character in Discworld Noir which is a 1999 game based off of this series. So possibly Carlotta was inspired by Carlotta Von Uberwald is my take on this character.
