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When checking book's in Rookgaard, I found Amber's Notebook containing names of the people related to Thais City (NPC's). There is one name which seems to be a "mysterious" one- Tark. As per Tibia Fandom :

"Tark, the mysterious name that appears in Amber's Notebook in Rookgaard, might be Tark Trueblade, quoted by Lector, the food merchant in Carlin. He says that Tark's favourite meal was dragon steak, and that he died in a battle with an ancient Dragon Lord, possibly Demodras.

However, Maryza in Kazordoon says he died to a cave-in which occurred in the Plains of Havoc Dragon Lair".

Since Demodras sometimes spawns in PoH Dragon Lair, is there a chance that we can find Tark's body somewhere in the lair over there (or even Thais one?)? Does Tark's name appear anywhere else?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (18 points)

Like most information about Tark, everything is rumored, but taking into account the stories about this plot, a dead body in a PoH room may indicate to be Tark.

Here's the spot:

But as I said, it is all speculation.
