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by (1,534 points)
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With summer update 2023 we obtained 2 new trinket/pocket/extra slot items, conch shell horn and scarab ocarina which provide 2% of ice and earth resistance respectively, now given that those are items obtained through the quest sometimes in very specific case (as bone fiddle) these can be obtained just once per character, in scarab ocarina that's not the case since you can make another one talking with tonar, but what about conch shell horn? it's possible to make another one? if that's so, what do we need?

Fair to remember that to make it once we must obtain a wooden mouthpiece (which come from a chest that is usable just once) and a shell horn (obtainable at least once from turquoise shell), that said, doesn't seem like we could obtain any of those items again which lead to question whether it's or not possible to make another one or is a valuable trinket obtainable just once as bone fiddle.
by (17,406 points)
A user asked this- What do you have to tell Tonar to give you a second Scarb of Ocarina? I have been trying to talk to him and he tells me that he has already given me one
by (1,534 points)
iirc I just say to him "hi scarab yes" with a death scarab drained on my bp, i can try again today and come back later.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (46 points)
Some quest items can be obtained every 20 hours as long as their quest equivalent is not actually completed. An example of this is the Minotaur Skull in The Dream Courts Quest.

You can get one of them every 20 hours in the specific chest as long as you don't complete the 03 skulls mission. Once you do that, you won't be able to get another one. So it's quite likely that the wooden mouthpiece can be obtained every 20h as well since its quest is not actually completed as this type of event is repeated in various quest items throughout Tibia.
by (1,534 points)
cool, that tho doesn't answer my whole question, in bone fiddle quest for example you can obtain all the items needed yet you simply can't assemble another bone fiddle.
by (46 points)
It won't do any good to be able to loot items from the Bone Fiddle after you finish the quest or maybe he specifically created a script to build him only once. There is who knows a minimal possibility of being able to assemble more than one Bone Fiddle if you have the "ingredients" and have it in the mission itself. I won't guarantee that as I've never tried it so it's just a possibility.

In the case of the wooden mouthpiece it is very likely that you can get one of them every 20 hours if you are on the mission itself but building an extra conch shell horn is something you would need to test during the mission, collect extra items and try to build 02 at the same time.
by (1,534 points)
yeah, that's why i asked it on here... the idea is to get some proof about it's possible, i did asked the same for bone fiddle and people told me that beside you can get the items is simply not possible to finish a second item no matter what since you get quest log on it, while here you won't get quest log until you use it so theoretically it is possible, but once again that's simply not enough, sorry.
0 votes
by (3,816 points)
You can obtain the wooden mouthpiece more than once (20h cooldown) if you don’t finish the ritual but the shell it’s only once per char but you can buy it from black bert so yes you can make a second one but after you complete the quest it’s impossible unlike the scarab ocarina
by (1,534 points)
as i said in the other answer, can you show some proof that you can assemble it a second time? theoretically you could since you can obtain all the items, yet in bone fiddle case that was simply not enough i don't think that means won't be neither possible in this case but were cool if you could provide some proofs out of this.