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What are one by one highest single dmg spells for ms right now? Ive not been playing since introduction of great fire wave, and also till today i was sure, energy wave was stronger than great energy beam but i was wrong. Can you help me figure out, preferably on some numbers order of this spells and runes from highest to lowest?

Hells core, rage of the skies, great energy beam, Sd, energy wave, ultimate strike, strong strike, strike, energy beam, great fire wave, icicle/fireball, ava/gfb, thunderstorm/stone shower

1 Answer

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by (5,070 points)
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Ultimate Energy Strikeexori max vis10010015,000AttackShoots a very powerful energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Flame Strikeexori max flam9010015,000AttackShoots a very powerful fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.

This two are the most powerfull according the title of your question on most powerfull attacks for MS to single targets.


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