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Hi there!

Can you guys give me advice what eq and imnue should I use? 2x mana, 2x hp, critical and what? Fire or death resist?

Also I have 3 dmg charms (wound, zap and freeze), but dont have asuras unlocked yet so I am gonna hunt there without charms.

Eq: Falcon coif, Falcon bow, Fabulous legs, Depth Lorica or Ghost Chestplate, Guardian Boots.

In arrow should should I use moon mirror or sun catcher? or maybe mana drain item?

Give me best advices please. Can i 8 box already on that lvl or should I atk and run?

by (11 points)
Hi, in this case I use
bow with mana, crit and life
coif with ml and mana (even though asura decreases ml)
ghost chest with life and death
blue plasma amulet
ringo I use dwarven, when I close box 8 I pull blue plasma ring and prismatic ring

1 Answer

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by (44 points)
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Hello, from my experience I can answer your question. Your eq is actually cool, I had similar ones at your level. You have a lot of fire resistance in it, so as your next imbu you should put death resistance in Ghost Chestplate and have Moon Mirror in the slot. Recently, new SUPER Stoic Iks boots have been added that give you 5% fire resistance, I recommend them. If you want to improve your character, you can also put a tier on your legs, the avatar does the job and the Fabulous legs have classifications 3, so it won't be expensive.

Before getting charms I recommend you not to box, monsters may die to long. After charms you can easily do it around lvl 450 and make bigger boxes in the rooms. Hope I helped you :)