+1 vote
by (15 points)

What are the most profitable bosses that can be done daily at lvl 200-210, EK?

And on what level will I be able to farm more profitable bosses?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (725 points)

There arent many bosses available to a 200 solo EK due to level gating of most quests. Some bosses you can try for profit include;



Edron/ Cormaya /Dara werebosses


GT bosses

Thais portals bosses 

Cults of tibia bosses


Once you reach level 250, more bosses will become available through quests such as Oberon, Scarlett, and Drume. However, they will likely still be dangerous at this level and require a team to kill.

0 votes
by (30 points)
Solo, i would recommend the darashia werelion bosses, and the edron/cormaya were. Also you can do Kroazur

As a team, i dont think you should do Grave danger or gold token, because they are dangerous at this level and you may die.

I believe it is better to wait to lv 250+ at least with full team for gt and gd

When you get 250 you can do scarlet solo easily, oberon and drume with team. Also timira and urmalulu.